EX 23-24 nonfinancial performance measures

Alpha University wishes to monitor the efficiency and quality of its course registration process.

a. Identify three input and three output measures for this process.
b. Why would Alpha University use nonfinancial measures for monitoring this process?

Possible Input Measures
Registration staffing per student
Technology investment per period for registration process
Training hours per registration personnel
Amount of faculty staffing
Amount of technology capacity (size of computer, number of input lines) for registration process
Maintenance dollars spent on the registration system
Employee satisfaction score
Number of hours per day registration is available

Possible Output Measures
Cycle time for a student to register for classes
Number of times a course is unavailable
Number of separate registration events or steps (log-ons or line waits) per student
Number of times a replacement course was used by a student
Number of registration errors
Student satisfaction score with the registration process
Number of student complaints about registration process
Number of registration rework steps per student
Cost of registration per student
Number of personnel overtime hours during registration
Labor time variance for registration process (standard hours less actual hours at standard labor rate)
Number of computer registration failures

b. Alpha University is interested in not only the efficiency of the process but also the quality of the process. This means that the process must meet multiple objectives. The college wants this process to meet the needs of students, which means it should not pose a burden to students. Students should be able to register for classes quickly, get the courses they want, and avoid registration errors, hassles, and problems. Thus, the nonfinancial measures are used to balance the need for a cost-efficient process with one that will meet the needs of the student.