Average computer response time to customer “clicks”
Dollar amount of returned goods
Elapsed time between customer order and product delivery
Maintenance dollars divided by hardware investment
Number of customer complaints divided by the number of orders
Number of misfilled orders divided by the number of orders
Number of orders per warehouse employee
Number of page faults or errors due to software programming errors
Number of software fixes per week
Server (computer) downtime
Training dollars per programmer
a. For each performance measure, identify it as either an input or output measure related to the “order placement and delivery” process.
b. Provide an explanation for each performance measure.
a. and b.
X A measure of the speed of the
ordering process. If the speed is
too slow, we may lose customers.
X An important measure of customer
satisfaction with the final product
that was ordered.
X An important overall measure of
process responsiveness. If the
company is too slow in providing
product, we may lose customers.
X A driver of the ordering system’s
reliability and downtime. The
maintenance dollars should be
divided by the amount of hardware
in order to facilitate comparison
across time.
X An extreme measure of customer
dissatisfaction with the ordering
X Incorrectly filled orders reduce the
customer’s satisfaction with the
order process. A measure of output
quality of the process.
X This measure is related to the
capacity of the warehouse relative
to the demands placed upon it.
This relationship will impact the
delivery cycle time.
X The page errors will negatively
impact the customer’s ordering
experience. It’s a measure of
process output quality.
X Software bugs reduce the
effectiveness of the order
fulfillment system; thus, fixes are
an input that will improve the
performance of the order fulfillment
Server (computer) downtime X A measure of computer system
Training dollars per programmer X Trained programmers should
enhance the software’s
responsiveness and reliability.