Revenue (in billions) $10.9 $10.7
Number of professional staff (including partners) 36,571 33,605
a. For the current and previous years, determine the revenue per professional staff.
b. Interpret the trend between the two years.

a. Revenue per professional staff, current yr.: 36,571 = $298,050
Revenue per professional staff, previous yr.: = $318,405
b. The revenues increased between the two years from $10.7 billion to $10.9 billion, or 1.9% [($10.9 – $10.7) ÷ $10.7]. Revenues have increased slowly during this period. The number of employees has grown, from 33,605 to 36,571, or 8.8% [(36,571 – 33,605) ÷ 33,605]. As a result, the revenue per
professional staff employee has declined by approximately $20,000, from $318,405 to $298,050. There is a decline in efficiency during this time. It is interesting that Deloitte expanded staff during this period, even while revenues increased slowly. There is some risk, because there is a nearterm loss of efficiency from this strategy.